

Although this may seem like its been discussed a lot recently, I’ve been thinking more and more about upgrading my iPad 2. I recently got back from Japan, and it was great traveling without a computer – but I’ve found that I generally only use my tablet when I travel. And it’s only if I don’t have my computer with me. The tablet was great back when my laptop’s batteries didn’t last as long. But what’s the use of them anymore?

Using the iPad as the CNS to power things in your apartment is a good use case…however I still turn to my phone more and more. And with the increase in the size of the iPhone 6, do I even need the extra screen real-estate? For cooking it could be nice, but only marginally. It’s interesting how fast that fad came and went. The original iPad was released April, 2010 – in 5 quick years it went from the IT item to no longer relevant. This becomes even more interesting with the upcoming release of the iWatch. How long will smart-watches continue to be relevant. Will they also experience a bubble like the iPad? Or will they live on like our phones.

Personally, I think smart-watches are doomed to fail. I enjoy coming home, placing my phone away and not being connected for a little bit. With a watch, you’re always connected. And you always have to be connected. The cons definitely outweigh the pros. We’ll see if others agree with me on this.


Tablet sales are declining